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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

English teacher in their office grading papers.

Dear English Teachers, Please Respect Our Sacred A+

Yehia Said, Page Editor October 10, 2022

The first day of school is filled with awkward experiences. Learning names (especially when no one can pronounce yours), meeting new teachers, desperately trying to remember what you learned last year....


Nisha Klein, Page Editor May 11, 2015

You sit at your desk, staring at a pile of work that you haven’t started. Instead of grabbing your pencil, your hand finds your phone, and then you’re on YouTube watching videos of cats or Old Spice...

Photo by Andrew Erblich

Our Education

Ellie Tomasson, Chief Managing Editor March 12, 2015

As I walk down the English hallway at CHS, seeing a myriad of quotes etched into the glass doors, one by Mark Twain sticks in my mind: “I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” This...

Watch movies and television on your smartphone with the Netflix app. (Photo courtesy iTunes App Store/TNS)

Next Episode Playing in 14 Seconds….

Nisha Klein, Page Editor December 10, 2014

Finding someone in Clayton who hasn’t spent an entire day watching television at least once in their life is hard to do, especially when it comes to teenagers. Many come home after a long, tiring day...

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