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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Andrew Wang stands with his first round draft pick, Blue Springs junior Victor Mugeche

Crossing the Finish Line

Harry Rubin and Nicholas Lee December 8, 2016

There is only one fantasy sport in the world where competitors can meet and compete with their players in real life. Of that fantasy sport, there is only one confirmed league in existence in the entire...

The CHS cross country team at Districts 2015. Crowe is pictured in the back row, far right. (Photo by Ava Hoffman)

As the Crowe Flies

Harry Rubin, Copy Editor December 3, 2015

James “Jim” Crowe, Clayton’s new cross country and track coach, has already made a huge impact on his runners after just one year. Crowe has been much more than a cross country coach to Clayton’s...

New Math Teacher for CHS

New Math Teacher for CHS

Harry Rubin, Copy Editor October 2, 2014

Clayton’s newest teacher isn’t exactly new to the school. Alex Schwent, a first year teacher in the math department spent most of the second semester of the 2013-2014 year as a student teacher in...

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Harry Rubin