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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Staff Ed: Transparency

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief May 7, 2015

Thirteen percent. According to a 2014 CNN/ORC International Poll, this is the percentage of Americans who trust their government to do what is right always or most of the time. This staggering statistic...

Dianati and her brother in Tehran (Photo from Dena Dianati).

Looking Forward

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief March 22, 2015

For most of senior Déna Dianati’s life, she relied on Skype sessions and frequent phone calls to keep in touch with her extended family, who lives in Iran - mostly in Tehran, the nation’s capital...

Editor’s Letter: Teachers

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief November 5, 2014

I have this habit of writing down things that my teachers say during class on the edges of my papers.  At the end of the year, when I’m flipping through my notes to study for finals or look back on...

Remains of the Ferguson QuikTrip that was burned by protestors.

Eyes on Ferguson

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief October 9, 2014

I. Introduction  On Aug. 9, 2014, Michael Brown, an African-American 18 year old about to enter college, was shot to death unarmed by a policeman, Darren Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri, roughly eight...

The Monuments Men (Official Movie Poster).

The Monuments Men Review: Sculpture and Shrapnel

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief April 2, 2014

What makes up a culture? Is it language?  History?  Geography?  Is culture something that is finite, that can be destroyed with enough incinerators and enough hatred?  Or is it something more...

The children's room at Central Library (Olivia MacDougal)

Central Library Renovations

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief April 2, 2014

On the corner of Locust and Olive Street, the old and the new converge. The medium of this phenomenon is the St. Louis Central Library, a towering building that rises from the main street...

Editor’s Letter: Be Gentle

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief February 27, 2014

At my grandparents’ house for dinner a few nights ago, I was talking to my grandpa about college. I was worried about making the wrong decision, not doing enough in high school, and not getting...

CHS at TEAMS Competition

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief February 25, 2014

CHS sent ten groups of eight students to the TEAMS competition at Florissant Valley Community College on Feb. 21.  CHS teams took first place overall in both the 9/10 division and the 11/12 division....

Staff Ed: Education Frustration

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief January 22, 2014

Schools like Clayton that focus on academics often run the risk of developing a hostile attitude to students that don’t completely fit into the traditional academic subjects.While it’s certainly...

Pro: Small Colleges

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief December 4, 2013

In a world of over seven billion people, our generation is provided with an excess of opportunities to disappear.  Personalities can wear away beneath the rush of students through a crowded hallway,...

Clayton Fall Classic

Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief November 18, 2013

CHS's Speech and Debate Team held their annual Clayton Fall Classic this Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15-16.  Schools from across Missouri came to compete in a variety of categories.  The theme...

Sexting: The Fine Line

October 30, 2013

I. "One day [at Clayton] I was walking down the hall and someone was like, Oh, look at that, that's that whore in the picture." This is just one facet of the tirade of responses that assaulted Rachel*,...

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Gwyneth Henke