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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

A+ Arms Races and the Quest for Self-Actualization

A+ Arms Races and the Quest for Self-Actualization

Bethany Lai, Editor-in-Chief April 15, 2024

Consider the figure 3.78, the mean cumulative GPA of the class of 2022, as per the Clayton Education Foundation Annual Gratitude Report. 3.78 — that GPA resides comfortably within the upper levels...

Perils of Parental Involvement in Grades

Perils of Parental Involvement in Grades

Samuel Sun, Page Editor February 21, 2024

In the realm of education, the role of parents is often a topic of heated debate. While parental involvement is crucial for the development of students, concern over crossing boundaries grows, particularly...

English teacher in their office grading papers.

Dear English Teachers, Please Respect Our Sacred A+

Yehia Said, Page Editor October 10, 2022

The first day of school is filled with awkward experiences. Learning names (especially when no one can pronounce yours), meeting new teachers, desperately trying to remember what you learned last year....

Pro Learning: Do it for the Knowledge

Pro Learning: Do it for the Knowledge

Ellie Tomasson, Chief Managing Editor November 29, 2015

Every year, students across America participate in the national frenzy to obtain the proverbial holy grail of our education system: the 4.0 GPA, 36 ACT, and 2400 SAT, but at what cost? As students scramble...

Photo by Andrew Erblich

Our Education

Ellie Tomasson, Chief Managing Editor March 12, 2015

As I walk down the English hallway at CHS, seeing a myriad of quotes etched into the glass doors, one by Mark Twain sticks in my mind: “I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” This...

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