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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Pro Learning: Do it for the Knowledge

Pro Learning: Do it for the Knowledge

Ellie Tomasson, Chief Managing Editor November 29, 2015

Every year, students across America participate in the national frenzy to obtain the proverbial holy grail of our education system: the 4.0 GPA, 36 ACT, and 2400 SAT, but at what cost? As students scramble...

Con – Small Colleges

Audrey Holds December 10, 2013

You heave your duffel bag over your shoulder, making your first steps upon the green before you.  Freedom has never tasted so good.  It seems that the long, hard work in high school has finally paid...

The Printed Word Con

Rachel Bluestone, copy editor January 22, 2013

The first generation of the Amazon Kindle was released on November 19, 2007. Within a matter of months, several other e-readers were released as well, all of them selling abundantly. The kindle’s...

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