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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Photo of Carolyn Blair(Gwyneth Henke)

Profiles in Leadership: Carolyn Blair

Noah Brown, Managing Editor January 27, 2015

Carolyn Blair is the Director of Counseling at Clayton High School. She acts as the college counselor for half of the senior class. What made you get into counseling?  I’ve known since high school...

A Classy Dilemma

A Classy Dilemma

Phoebe Yao, Marina Henke and Alex Bernard November 6, 2014

Among the 872 students hurrying through the Clayton High School campus is junior Gabby Boeger, on her way to a 24 student honors precalculus class situated in a tight, windowless corner of the school’s...

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Carolyn Blair