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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Samantha Zeid

Samantha Zeid, Page Editor

Samantha is a a senior at CHS and it is her third year on the Globe staff. She loves taking on big stories because it allows her to immerse herself in the topic and interact with people with all sorts of perspectives. She loves literature, writing poetry, and keeping up with politics, but is most passionate about learning French and other languages. She is president of French Club and volunteers as a tutor for Helping Hounds and Clayton Connect. She loves journalism i that it allows her to meet new people and gain from looking at different points of view. Globe means a lot to her because of the community and how it allows her to meet people from all over, with all sorts of different stories. In the future, Samantha would like to work with helping refugees and continue her study of romance languages.

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Samantha Zeid