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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Caleb Park

Caleb Park, News Editor 

Pronouns: he/him

Grade: 12

Years on staff: 4

What’s an interesting fact about you? I have an older brother and an older sister.

What’s your favorite movie? More than a Game (2008).

What do you like about working for Globe? I like the creativity that is possible for every member of the Globe, because you can write about your interests or collaborate with other writers on a common topic. There are different ways to approach stories, such as a feature, a more conventional news piece, or an opinionated article.

Learning about the editing and stylistic choices involved in journalistic writing is fascinating and they allow your story to become a concise, factual narrative. Additionally, researching issues or exciting updates in the local community can be interesting.

Also, designing pages for the print issues is really fun, and you can display whatever you planned from your imagination in the visual art/graphic design accompanying the Globe stories.

All content by Caleb Park
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Caleb Park