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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor

Yiyun is a sophomore at CHS and currently serves as the copy editor. She has previously served as a reporter. This is her second year on Globe. She is very excited to work with this awesome staff again, and she hopes to learn more about the Clayton community as well as improving it through Globe. Outside of school, she enjoys reading and playing the violin.

All content by Yiyun Xu
Eric Hahn, an avid beekeeper, is a new CHS history teacher

Eric Hahn

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
October 20, 2020
Tai Oney, CHS's new choir teacher, comes from an extensive background of music

Tai Oney

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
October 20, 2020
Musicians from the SLSO before Powell Hall closed.

Music Will Go On

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
August 13, 2020
Carnegie Mellon is one of the most prestigious universities in America, especially in STEM related fields.

Student Loans?

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
March 28, 2019
Unicreamer is a unique plant-based coffee creamer that is sugar and dairy free. The company was established in March 2018 by co-founders Lori Lefcourt and Elise Lefcourt. It provides three grams of protein and MCT oil per serving.


Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
January 23, 2019
Yiyun shares her passion for music in the latest edition of Love, the Globe.

Love, the Globe

Yiyun Xu, Senior Managing Editor
November 3, 2018


Junyi Su and Yiyun Xu
October 8, 2018
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Yiyun Xu