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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

Lemuel Lan

Lemuel Lan, Webmaster

Lemuel Lan is a senior who is the webmaster and writer for the Globe. This is his third year on staff on Globe, previously as a web editor and now as webmaster and writer. Lemuel is also a participant in cross country and water polo. He plays two instruments, violin and piano, and takes part in the CHS’ Winter Musical Pit Orchestra and Saint Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra. Lemuel is also involved in the Asian Student Association Club. When he has any spare time off from school and extracurricular activities, he mostly spends his time browsing the web, reading books, and keeping up with his favorite TV shows.

All content by Lemuel Lan

Trigger Warnings

Lemuel Lan, Webmaster
March 29, 2016
The newest MTV hit series, Scream.

Scream Review

Lemuel Lan, Webmaster
September 2, 2015
Pro-gay marriage demonstrators rallied outside the Supreme Court.

The Gay Days of Summer

Lemuel Lan, Webmaster
August 24, 2015
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Lemuel Lan