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The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe

The Student News Site of Clayton High School.

The Globe


CHS Globe Online is a production of the journalism staff of Clayton High School, located at #1 Mark Twain Circle,  Clayton, MO, 63105. It is designed, written and maintained by students, and students make all content decisions. For more information, feel free to email us at [email protected] or contact us using the form below in the “Contact Us” section.

The Globe Newsmagazine is affiliated with the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association, Missouri Journalism Education Association, and Missouri Interscholastic Press Association.

National Awards

Globe Newsmagazine:

Pacemaker Award Finalist, 2019
Pacemaker Award Finalist, 2018
Pacemaker Award, 2016
Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown Award, 2016
Pacemaker Award, 2015
Pacemaker Award, 2014
Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Crown Award, 2013
Gold Crown Award, 2012
Pacemaker Award, 2012
Pacemaker Award, 2011
Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown Award, 2006
Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown Award, 2003
Pacemaker Award, 2003
Pacemaker Award Finalist, 1997
Pacemaker Award Finalist, 1994

Globe Online:

Pacemaker Award, 2018
First Place, Gold Circle Award, 2014
Gold Medal Award, 2013
Pacemaker Finalist, 2013
Pacemaker Award, 2012

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about the Globe, speaking with a staff member, or submitting material (story ideas, letter to the editor, guest columns)? We would love to hear your opinions, see your work, and publish your voice in the Globe–we encourage you to let us know what is on your mind. Please fill out this form with your request and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Contact the Globe


Statement of Purpose:

The Globe is a monthly student newspaper by Clayton High School journalism students. The goals
of the publication are to inform and entertain the student body, interpret news and provide a public forum for
exchanging ideas and opinions of students and faculty at CHS. In addition, this publication serves as a
laboratory for students interested in learning sound journalistic techniques.


The Globe upholds the right of high school journalists to the free expression guaranteed under the First
Amendment. However, per district policy (see appendix), the Globe shall contain no material

a. is disruptive to the maintenance of an orderly educational environment;

b. is defamatory, demeaning or injurious to the reputation and/or name of an individual, class of individuals
or entity;-

c. advertises any service, product or activity that is not permitted to minors under the law;

d. violates copyright provisions.

Online Comments

All online comments are reviewed by a member of the editorial staff before being approved. This site is intended to provide information and engage in open and respectful dialogue that is appropriate to the educational environment and fans of all ages.

Comments are welcome as a means of sharing experiences, suggesting improvements, responding to polls/questions or engaging in the conversation. Comments will be reviewed by a member for the editorial staff prior to being posted publicly. To ensure that exchanges are informative, respectful and lawful, we will NOT post comments that are:

• Off-topic.

• Spam.

• Personal Attacks. If you disagree with a post, we’d like to hear from you. We ask that you refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful of others.

• Illegal. Laws that govern use of copyright, trade secrets, student and staff confidentiality, etc. will be followed. No comments or suggestions that encourage illegal activity that violate school behavior guidelines will be posted.

• Language. Comments including but not limited to profane or provocative language, hateful, racially or ethically offensive or derogatory, threats, obscene or sexually explicit language will be excluded.

• Not factual.

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