Photo of the Week (Week 12: Nov. 4-8)
Senior Charlie Meyers talks with sophomore Asher Stitziel at the GSL speech and debate invitational on Saturday, Nov. 9. Stitziel competed in Public Forum. “Speech and Debate is a fun, extracurricular activity that you can use to build relationships and learn valuable skills you will carry throughout the rest of your life,” Stitziel said.
Senior Noa BenShahar plays her French horn in band class. “A memorable moment happened just yesterday. All upper brass were learning how to double tongue which is surprisingly difficult. It was fun for all of us to struggle together,” BenShahar said. “Band is great because all of us have to be somewhat on the same level to create a good sound, if one of us is off, [everyone] is off. As Mrs. Overmann says, ‘Band is the ultimate team sport.’”
Shocked to hear her name called, senior April Kim celebrates an Honorable Mention in Lit Mag Poetry Writing with adviser Debra Klevens. Student journalists from 681 schools, 50 states and eight countries were in attendance. “I think the two words I would use to describe receiving the award [are] confusion and exhilaration. I have only [shown] my poetry with close friends, so I sort of assumed that my poem would not be recognized as anything special. When I heard my name and people clapping, I was so surprised and did not process what was happening. Seeing Mrs. Klevens and my friends cheering for me made it feel real,” Kim said. “Writing poetry is an act I find very vulnerable therefore very precious, and so I am so grateful to have been recognized for something I care deeply about.”
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