CHS Bell Schedule Updated
The new schedule reviewed by students, and teachers. Along with some questions answered about the bell schedule by Dr. Gutchewsky.
Clayton High School front.
There is a new schedule in town.
After two years of shifting pandemic schedules, this one is potentially here to stay (at least for a while.) For the 2022-2023 school year, the CHS schedule is a modified block, with a C day added to the mix. The school day has also been extended by 5 minutes.
The C-day has proven to be the most controversial element of the new schedule.
Many students felt that C-days were going to be too rushed to actually learn something, which led to people believing C days will be useless.
“They are not my favorite as everything seems a bit rushed and there is relatively little we can learn during that time,” Hannah Yurkovich said.
With all the student controversy, teachers were also asked about their opinion about the C-days, but just like the students the teachers also had mixed feelings about the C-days.
Some teachers thought that C-days were good because of the short classes.
“I like them (C-days) because of how short the classes are,” Mrs. B said.
Kuehn said he didn’t like C-days for that same reason.
“I can get one or two things done on C-Days, where normally I’m getting three of four things done,” Kuehn said.
Out of the 94 responses that were submitted on if they liked C-days, only 19 people said they liked it, 11 people said they can’t form an opinion, since at the time we only had one C-day, 27 people said they hated it, and then the rest who answered said they don’t care about it. It seems overall that the people who don’t like C-Days outweigh the people who actually like them.
Although not a lot of people agreed on the C-Days and if they were worth keeping or not, almost everyone who completed the survey that was sent out agreed that they should have taken 5 minutes off of Greyhound time so we get off school at 3:00 instead of 3:05. We asked Gutchewsky why we couldn’t just get off at 3:00 and have a 5-minute less greyhound time.
“The State requires a certain number of instructional minutes per year in order to comply with inclement weather makeup day guidelines. Basically, if you attend a certain number of minutes each year you don’t have to make up for inclement weather days. We needed to add approximately 2.5 minutes each day to reach this threshold. We wanted to keep our period start times on the 0s and 5s so we added 5 minutes instead of 3,” said Gutchewsky.
In simpler terms, the school did this so we wouldn’t have to make up any days if we had to miss school for snow days or days we miss because of the weather.
Overall the majority of the people who put their input in think that the schedule needs some work but at least they don’t hate it.
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Alexa Garcia is a Sophomore at Clayton High School. She's a new reporter in The Globe. She chose to be in Globe because she wants to get her word out there. She loves reading,...