Editor’s Letter: Shane LaGesse

In reflection on my high school career, it’s easy to look to the gaping hole of pandemic-wrought uncertainty in my academic timeline for an example of a formative experience, an event by which I can mark my high school days. But really, that era of unpredictability just taught me that change is only as constant as a deadline.

For the past four years, I’ve been a part of the Globe. I’ve watched the staff change, the fonts modified, the templates redone and immediately switched back again after. I learned how to interview, how to transcribe and draft up a story, and how to completely rewrite the whole thing the night before print. My experience with the Globe has been nothing but change, the staff and myself growing or evolving.

But when everything did change, rapidly and unpredictably, the Globe remained constant. There was a full staff always working to get the next issue out during the pandemic, meaning the full staff had a reason to stay connected, and to continue contributing to the issue.

In times of both normalcy and unpredictability, the Globe — and its constituent reporters and editors — have been there to keep me connected and improving. It’s an experience for which I’ll always be thankful, and an opportunity which I hope continues to educate and grow far into the future. So thank you, Globies, past and present. It’s been real.

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