Lily Kleinhenz

Editors Shane LaGesse, Ella Cuneo, and Owen Auston-Babcock (from left), all seniors

Editor’s Letter: 2022 EiCs

Editor’s Letter: Owen Auston-Babcock

Owen Auston-Babcock, Senior Managing Editor

In April, the district posted a new position on its hiring website: Learning Support Interventionist. In December, I wrote a 3,000-word piece about the staff of the CHS Learning Center, who have worked for pay below what MIT’s living wage calculator — the most reliable calculation of this metric — says is a sufficient income to meet the costs of living in St. Louis County: roughly $35,300 (see...

Editor’s Letter: Ella Cuneo

Ella Cuneo, Editor-in-Chief

The last four years of our high school experience have been anything but traditional. Between transitioning from watching Tiger King and baking everything imaginable, to trying to focus on Zoom screens, to finally walking the halls, our senior class experienced the full swing of schedules. For me, the only consistent thing was the Globe. Every month, I knew I had to develop three story ideas. I...

Editor’s Letter: Shane LaGesse

Shane LaGesse, Editor-in-Chief

In reflection on my high school career, it’s easy to look to the gaping hole of pandemic-wrought uncertainty in my academic timeline for an example of a formative experience, an event by which I can mark my high school days. But really, that era of unpredictability just taught me that change is only as constant as a deadline. For the past four years, I’ve been a part of the Globe. I’ve watched...

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