Participants at a shaw park rally held signs expressing their views, ranging from outright COVID denial to opposition to mask and vaccine mandates. (Lily Kleinhenz)
Participants at a shaw park rally held signs expressing their views, ranging from outright COVID denial to opposition to mask and vaccine mandates.

Lily Kleinhenz

Anti-Mandate Rally in Shaw Park

October 5, 2021

On Friday, October 1st, at 12:00 PM, organizers from various groups opposed to what they described as a “vaccine mandate” held a rally urging the Governor of Missouri to opt out of the mandate, referencing the proposed OSHA regulation that would require vaccination or weekly testing for businesses over a hundred employees announced by U.S. President Joe Biden on September 9th. Photography by Photo Editor Lily Kleinhenz. Reporting by Senior Managing Editor Owen Auston-Babcock.

  • Missouri State Senator Dr. Bob Onder (R-02) speaks at the rally. Onder holds an MD from Washington University and a JD from St. Louis University. Onder’s speech at the rally denounced what he described as “COVID tyranny,” saying that public health experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health and local physician Alexander Garza of SSM Health were taking control of the lives of Americans.

  • Participants at a Shaw Park anti-vaccine and anti-mask rally brought signs decrying the Biden administration’s effort to implement workplace requirements for vaccination or weekly testing for business with more than a hundred employees. Some brought signs criticizing the media for what the protestors viewed as spreading falsehoods about the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Shaw Park rally attendees hold signs denouncing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds.

  • Rally speakers and members of the crowd say the new federal workplace regulation deprives them of medical freedom.

  • Many attendees carried signs proclaiming their resistance to vaccination against COVID-19.

  • The premise of the rally was to urge Missouri Governor Mike Parson into calling a special session of the state legislature, in an attempt to “stand up” to an OSHA regulation, announced by President Joe Biden on September 9, that would require vaccination or weekly testing for staff of businesses with over a hundred employees.

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Photo of Owen Auston-Babcock
Owen Auston-Babcock, Senior Managing Editor

Owen is a senior at Clayton High School and is on his third year on Globe staff. You've probably seen Owen's name on the Globe's newsletter, which he maintains weekly. He also...

Photo of Lily Kleinhenz
Lily Kleinhenz, Chief Digital Editor

Lily Kleinhenz is a Senior at Clayton High School Missouri. She is a Chief Digital Editor and a part of Photo Journalism. Lily loves writing and reading, taking photos, shopping,...

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