Portrait of the author Daphne Kraushaar. Art by Ella Cuneo.
The typical Clayton student wakes up between 6 and 7 leaving time to pick out a good outfit and grab a bowl of Captain Crunch on their way out the door. Then, on the 5-25 minute drive to school they sit silently in the passenger’s seat, or turn up the radio because they are driving themselves. By the time it is 8:15, they are usually in their first class as long as they didn’t compromise their punctuality for a piping hot latte at Starbucks. Throughout the day they will talk to their friends and hopefully learn something. By 3:05 classes are over and many students flood out of the building, while others stay late to participate in extracurricular activities. Some students may not even return home until 7 or 8pm, when they have to complete homework and eventually go to bed.
It is apparent that the way of life I just layed out is no longer how we are living. But looking at this schedule, there is a clear lack of family oriented activities. At most the extent of family time is two meals a day. This lack of familial interaction is not the fault of the teenager, nor the student. We might find ourselves saying “We’ll have a family tomorrow night.” But then multiple tommorows go by and you still haven’t sat down to a meal with your family.
Although this is a very strange time for everyone, it is certainly not all bad. It is undeniable that we are now spending more time in our homes than ever before, with few other options to consider for entertainment. Now that our rushed busy schedules are slowing down we can enjoy this time to spend with loved ones. So rather than locking your door and devoting yourself to Xbox and Cheez-its or burying yourself in virtual work, come out and connect. There is enough time in the day to binge a little of your favorite series and play a heated game of Apple’s to Apples.
That being said, it should not be forced. Spending the entire day couped up in your house with your family can be frustrating, which is why it is important to communicate and create a balance. Also be willing to make compromises about group activities. Overall, don’t think too hard about it. Let things happen naturally. And if all else fails, don’t forget, it could be worse.
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Daphne Kraushaar is a senior at Clayton High School and is a Feature Section Editor at for the Globe. This is her third year working on the newspaper. She is very excited to tackle...
Ella Cuneo is a senior at CHS and this is her fourth year on the Globe! She is one of the editors-in-chief.
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