Featured Photos: Dance Marathon

After many months of planning and preparation, on Thursday, Mar. 7, Clayton hosted its first annual Dance Marathon. The marathon, echoing a trend of dance marathons in high schools and colleges across the nation, was designed as a fundraiser for children with cancer–inspiring the tagline “For the Kids” or #FTK. The marathon was a huge success, raising $18,000.01 for the cause. Michael Melinger captured the event!

  • CHS students celebrate the start of the 2019 dance marathon in Stuber Gym on Thurs, Mar. 27.

  • Junior Bridget Walsh (8) and other dance marathon board members hold up numbered signs showing the total amount of funds raised by the dance marathon: $18,000.01

  • Senior Eliza Copilevitz, who helped lead the organization of the dance marathon, cheers during the party.

  • CHS junior Charles Quigless raps to the crowd in the middle of the dance marathon on Thursday, Mar. 7, 2019.

  • A group of CHS juniors parties during the dance marathon to raise money for the kids.

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