Owen St. Germain, ’18
Engineering Student
Owen St. Germain, Class of 2018, is studying engineering as an undergraduate at Boston University.
Owen is known by his teachers and his peers as someone who leads by example, in the class and particularly in robotics he always seems to go out of his way to help others. Stephen Beauchamp, the engineering teacher and robotics coach, has taught Owen for all 4 years and has worked with him on the robotics teams throughout Owen’s high school career.
“One of the things that is really remarkable about him was his demeanor, he was always very cooperative both with the teacher and with other students and he was always willing to help other students with issues they came across…He always prepared things for the up and coming team members through teaching our rookies and leaving a legacy that would allow our team to move forward.”
Owen was deeply involved with the robotics team and says one of his most memorable moments was going to the 2017 St. Louis robotics regional and driving the robot for the first time; even though it was stressful driving the robot for the first time in such a competitive environment, he felt that it was one of the most fun experiences he’s had and he wouldn’t change a thing about it. Additionally, Owen feels that Mr. Beauchamp and the classes he has taken with him has been a large influence on his career choice in STEM.

CHS engineering teacher Stephen Beauchamp (left) and Owen St. Germain, Class of 2018 (right) carry their team’s robot off the field at a FIRST robotic competition in 2018.
Similar to most students at Clayton he found some of the classes and the intense workload difficult at times but he credits his success to staying organized and maintaining a planner.
“For the longest time I would just remember my deadlines in my head and do them as I felt necessary, but once the workload gets harder that method just adds way too many extra steps, by writing down what I’ve had to do I’ve saved myself all kinds of mental effort.”
Owen is currently studying engineering at Boston University and even though the classes are tougher than the ones he took in high school, he felt that Clayton has prepared him well and helped him develop a robust work ethic.
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