Ruthie Polinsky, ’11
News Anchor
Ruthie Polinsky, Class of 2011, is currently a news anchor in the greater New England area.
For Ruthie Polinsky, Clayton runs in her blood.
As the oldest of three sisters to move through the District, she led the Polinsky legacy. From CHS on to Michigan and now settling down in Rhode Island, she has kept what Clayton gave her near and dear to her heart.
Largely shaped by her time in the theater productions, Polinsky carries a special sentiment for being in front of an audience as she currently covers sports in the greater New England area.
“I was really involved in theater,” Polinsky said, “There was so many resources dedicated to the theater department and we have such incredible mentors and teachers that have shaped me.”
Polinsky considers theater an integral part of shaping her throughout high school, and along with that experience came bonds and relationships that are etched in memory.
Polinksy looks to Kelly Weber and Alice Fasman as two of the most influential teachers during her tenure at Clayton. Both recognized by Polinksy as giving her the guidance and confidence she needed.
While Fasman has moved on, Kelley Weber continues to serve CHS. Onstage, performing in countless productions during her time, Polinsky distinctly remembers “Oklahoma” during her senior year.
“I think it was probably a Sunday matinee,” Polinsky said, “I just remember leaning over the edge of the stage, we are just belting out Oklahoma and I just remember soaking it in. I just remember embracing the moment and being like, don’t forget how you feel right now because you’ll remember this forever.”
Behind the scenes, Polinsky grew not only appreciate her time in the spotlight but the actual education Clayton provided her. As she went to Michigan, she realized just how special the ability to soak up knowledge was at CHS.
“I went to the University of Michigan and when I got there I just felt so prepared. I remember being in my first English class and it was a required English credit that we had to take my freshman year and I just knew how to do it,” Polinsky said.
Polinksy left high school and eventually college with a lot of memories and some gained wisdom.
College decisions can consume much of someone’s senior year but looking back on it Polinsky has a different view thanks to Brenda Bollinger, her senior year English teacher.
“We watched a documentary called ‘The Race to Nowhere.’ It was about all this work and all this effort that we do to get into college,” Polinksy said.
Bollinger also changed the way Polinsky saw actual school work. Shifting from this is all for college to this actually has a purpose.
“I just remember being introduced as a student, just so many new ideas and concepts that like made me think really hard about the world and like a greater context rather than just ‘I need to write this paper exactly how my teacher wants me to write it so that I can get an A,’” Polinksy said.
Outside of the two New England Patriots Super Bowl’s she has covered as a journalist, she still considers Clayton home.
“Every time I go to see my family in Clayton, or I talk about Clayton, like back home to me, I think that’s always going to be home,” Polinksy said.
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Michael Melinger is a Senior at Clayton High School. This is his fourth year on the Globe. He currently serves as the Chief Multimedia Editor for the Globe. This is his third...