A House Divided

December 27, 2018

In the latest cover story, the Globe explores the political climate of Clayton and the US surrounding many current issues of debate, such as climate change, the Trump administration, Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and more. Click below for an immersive reading experience, or scroll further for a detailed infographic about political issues from a survey of 250 CHS students.

A House Divided

[infogram id=”a-house-divided-1hke6039rzge65r?live”]

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About the Contributors
Grace Snelling, Editor-in-Chief

Grace Snelling is a senior and is Editor-In-Chief of the Globe this year. She has previously been a reporter, page editor, and senior managing editor. Throughout her childhood,...

Photo of Sara Stemmler
Sara Stemmler, Senior Managing Editor

Sara Stemmler is a CHS senior completing her fourth year on the Globe staff. Apart from writing for the Globe, Sara competes in tennis and track. She also tutors elementary students...

Photo of Lila Taylor
Lila Taylor, Senior Managing Editor

Lila is a junior and this is her third year as a member the Globe staff. She is a senior managing editor and is very excited for the year ahead. She was a feature section editor...

Photo of Jacob LaGesse
Jacob LaGesse, Editor-in-Chief

Jacob is a senior at CHS and this is his fourth year on the Globe. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief, and in the past has served as Senior Managing Editor and News...

Photo of Disha Chatterjee
Disha Chatterjee, Feature Section Editor

Disha is a junior and this is her second year on Globe. Disha joined Globe because she loves writing and wanted to get involved in a new experience. She is looking forward to trying...

Photo of Michael Melinger
Michael Melinger, Chief Multimedia Editor

Michael Melinger is a Senior at Clayton High School.  This is his fourth year on the Globe.  He currently serves as the Chief Multimedia Editor for the Globe.  This is his third...

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