#1: Dr. Taylor’s cart was reported missing before spring break. The cart is red and contains many valuable items, such as approximately 300 student papers, all of the juniors’ author projects, and a very important stapler for students who forget to staple their papers before class. This cart is vital to the continuation of Dr. Taylor’s classes. Please return it to the English Office if found.
#2: The phone cubby in the Health Room has gone missing. All phones that were in the cubby at the time that it went missing have also disappeared. This phone holder is needed in order to take attendance and take students’ phones each class. Please return if found.
#3: Mr. Kordenbrock’s The Century DVDs have mysteriously disappeared from his classroom. These DVDs are a prized possession and class cannot continue without them. Mr. Kordenbrock and his students are also very upset about their missing test data, which Mr. Kordenbrock has been collecting for many years. Each test and assignment has been averaged for each year to determine the percentages. If this data is not found, students with no longer have a gage for the difficulty of each test and assignment. If these two items are found, please immediately return them to Mr. Kordenbrock’s room.