Photo of Mr. Hildebrand by Michael Melinger.
Mr. Hildebrand
Q: Favorite childhood memory?
A: It’s difficult to choose just one. Playing on the jungle gym at Meramec, playing roller hockey at Glenridge, working at the Shaw Park Pool and Shaw Park Ice Rink … the one thing that all of these moments have in common are that they are with an amazing group of friends that I formed over the years, people I still call friends today. It was also nice to have very little adult supervision that the 90’s afforded.
Q: Favorite thing to do in St. Louis?
A: The St. Louis Zoo. Hands down. The more difficult question to answer is “Where in the St. Louis Zoo should you go first?” The correct answer is the penguins.
Q: What’s most rewarding about encouraging students to get involved in the business world?
A: t’s amazing to see and hear many of my former students’ successes. I had the mother of a former student visit me at school and tell me that her son had just been hired at Google. He attributed his achievements to taking my business and marketing classes, as well as getting involved with DECA. She even tried to offer me $100 as a “thank you”. I turned her down, of course. My wife is still mad at me.
Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
A: Tough one, though. I mean, what does one gauge his response on? Physical prowess? Keen detection skills? The ability to banter will with super villains? That’s a movie quote, by the way. In all seriousness, probably the ability to control metal. Magneto just seems like the coolest superhero.
Q: What does your dream day look like?
A: Assuming it’s the weekend or the summer: Eating breakfast at the Shack, going to the St. Louis Zoo, eating lunch at Crown Candy Kitchen, running or swimming at the Center of Clayton, going to a Cardinals or Blues game and finishing the evening with the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. If it wasn’t during the school year, I would be traveling. Anywhere, really. I have especially enjoyed taking a train up Mount Pilatus in Lucerne, Switzerland, enjoying lunch, then taking a gondola back down the mountain and having dinner next to the Chapel Bridge and Water Tower. I would also enjoy wandering the streets of Venice during the day with my wife, then taking a gondola ride as the sun sets. Europe rocks. If I’m not traveling and it’s during the school year, I pretty much just enjoy binge-watching something on Netflix. I’ve got quite the list of shows you should watch, don’t hesitate to ask.
Q: What are you most look forward to at CHS?
A: Many things. I’m looking forward to working with a few of my former teachers, to walking the halls of CHS as a teacher and to being a part of the incredible faculty, staff and community that helped me get to where I am today … and the Toasty Cheese Sandwiches.
Q: Favorite Teaching Memory?
A: I had a former student that really struggled, both in my class as well as in others. He had a tendency to get into confrontations with his peers. He got expelled. I pulled him aside the day he got back and let him know that I thought he was brilliant, but that he was wasting his potential by being angry and unwilling to work with others. He broke down and told me about his struggles at home and at school. We discussed some potential coping strategies to alleviate his adversity. It was amazing to see him grow over the next two years and graduate in the top 10 of his class … and go on to be successful. I believe everyone has that potential.
Q: Favorite Hobbies?
A: Golf, Hockey, Swimming, Running (slowly), Netflix and quoting movies.
Q: What’s your ‘mission’ in teaching students about business?
A: Regardless of what profession you choose to pursue in the future, business acumen will always be beneficial. Whether you become a lawyer, doctor, fashion designer, restauranteur, etc., understanding how to be a professional, how to make sound financial and marketing decisions and how to run a business, are just some of the reasons that business courses are important for everyone. My mission is to get students excited about the world of business, marketing and entrepreneurship, as well as continue the successes that Ms. Boland has had with her business and marketing classes and DECA.