Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
March 12, 2017
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children is a British-American Belgian film directed by the renowned Tim Burton. The movie is based on the book that is written by Ransom Riggs. The much anticipated film introduces you to the life of an “ordinary” teenager, named Jake, who is played by Asa Butterfield. When Jake was little, he often spent time with his grandfather. His grandfather would tell wild stories and showcased his artifacts. When Jake’s grandpa suddenly died, Jake’s life went into turmoil. Jake questioned his grandpa’s mysterious death. He retraced the steps of his grandfather, and soon finds himself walking through a whole new world. He meets other kids whom are played by Ella Purnell, Finlay MacMillan, Lauren McCrostie, Cameron King, and a few others. Hiding between the walls of reality and a fantasy, the children are kept in hidden from the rest of the world. They live the same day on repeat, never growing old. A fear keeps them hidden, living in fear of the real world. There Jake discovers the importance of who he is and what meaning he has in this world.
Sitting through the 2 hours was a bit slow at first because all the characters had to be introduced one by one. Many scenes were not necessary in order for the storyline to continue going. On the other hand, the cinematography was impressive. The special effects were well done. Many scenes where the peculiarities of the children were displayed had great special effects which added enhancement to their actions. Sometimes, the acting was questionable. You could tell that they were memorizing lines from the script and at times. At times, the acting was awkward and said with a monotone. On the contrary, the villains of the story had dynamic acting. The creepy smiles and laughters that came from their demented expressions added a evil and heinous aroma to the plot. The acting from the children had a touch of fantasy and outgoingness, like the acting of a musical. Each face expression was clearly expressed and all the kids had an innocent quality supporting their individual characters.
The storyline had a great lead up to the climax. All the anticipation built up perfectly. But at the most crucial part, the villains were taken lightly and were almost seemed as a comical character instead of a threat. The intensity fell and the great built up was wasted. The movie could have added more drama to the fight between the villains and the villains.
Overall, the movie had an excellent sci-fi, superheroic plot. Even though the movie was fictional, it still applies to reality. It teaches many valuable lessons. The movie shows how each person on this earth plays a role in the world somehow. Everyone is different and has their own specialties. There is no way to compare someone to someone else because everyone is peculiar. It teaches you about the importance of teamwork and the power of an individual. It inspires you through a story of perseverance and hardships. The movie Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children empowers and teaches us to enhance our individuality.