Your donation will support the student journalists of Clayton High School. Our goal is to ensure every student and faculty member receives a print copy, and that we can continue to explore interactive storytelling mediums on this platform. Your donation also helps provide us with necessary equipment.
Nicholas Lee is a senior at CHS and this is his third year on Globe. This year, Nicholas is working as one of the managing editors and the webmaster. Nicholas enjoys Globe as it...
Maddy Bale is a junior and has worked on the CHS Globe staff since her freshman year. After spending a year as a reporter and another as the Feature Section Editor, she is now...
Daniel Cho is a senior at CHS and is a fourth year member on the Globe. He serves as the sports section editor. He joined The Globe because he had an interest in the field of journalism...
Noah Brown is a junior, and has been a member of the Globe staff and community since his freshman year. Last year, Brown served as the Feature Section Editor, and focused his writing...
Lila is a junior and this is her third year as a member the Globe staff. She is a senior managing editor and is very excited for the year ahead. She was a feature section editor...