Nate’s Story

December 3, 2015

When I started to have issues with the whole depression thing, my mom definitely was there for me because she has depression as well, like her whole family has [it], so she understood what I was going through. She’s had the same issues I’ve had, so we’re kinda there for each other, just being able to lean on each other. She’s had a rough life so she kinda knows what I’m going through as well. My dad, on the other hand, wasn’t really receptive of it. He kinda just didn’t think it was necessary cause he didn’t want to think, “Oh, you need medication,” he wanted to think, “What you need is to get over it, toughen up,” he’s that kind of dad. So I wish he would have been a little more receptive, understanding, but I think with what happened with my brother, he will be able to understand a little better.

Just recently, three days ago, my brother tried to commit suicide because of his depression, and he was in the ICU in the hospital for a couple of days, and he got transferred to inpatient. So now he’s in the Lake of the Ozarks trying to get better, get help. I think a lot of people don’t understand how much of an issue it is and that people, what they show on the outside isn’t what they actually feel on the inside. People don’t understand quite what other people go through, I’d say. It’s pretty big in my family because we can all kinda relate to each other but for me to try to open up to someone else is kinda hard cause they don’t understand what I’m going through. I wish people would be more accepting and could understand a little bit better about mental health issues. My older brother, who just had the issue, he’s had issues with depression for a lot of years, but never had them treated, and I’d say that’s what led to this whole incident. He just got a place, moved out out of the house. He’s 19 and he almost lost his life because of his issues. It takes something like that for people to understand exactly how serious it is, because no one in my family really recognized his issues until this happened. We’ve all kinda been hovering around him, just trying to make sure he’s okay and trying to be there for him.

I think it’s been a real eye-opener for my stepmother and my dad because I don’t think they really knew he had issues for the longest time. I knew because he told me, but that’s because we’re brothers. I don’t think they knew. Even if they did, they didn’t do anything about it, so it just kinda stinks. But, it’s been real nice for me because I’ve been able to talk to him about what I’ve gone through and be there for him, and just talk to him. It’s been tough for me, though. The last couple of days have been rough. I had to check my phone during work to make sure that he’s doing okay. You’re afraid that one day you’re going to wake up and you’re going to get a call that says, “Your brother killed himself last night.” It’s just scary to think about. For people who have been affected by depression, you really understand, but for people who haven’t, take this article as what it is to you. I just hope that kids will understand it a little better.

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