Clayton at Work: Kate Reeves

Kate Reeves works at the rock wall at the Center of Clayton (photo from Kate Reeves).
August 26, 2015
Kate Reeves works as a rock wall belayer at the Center of Clayton.
Q: What’s your hourly wage?
A: $8.00 an hour.
Q: What does your job consist of?
A: I have to watch the climbers at all times, but I’m also responsible for the safety of the kids waiting to climb. You either tell the kids waiting to sit on the bench or line up against the railing, and if they can’t follow any of the safety procedures in the climbing area, they’re not allowed to climb.
Q: What have you learned?
A: Having patience is something you really need when dealing with younger kids because they’ll get distracted and you have to make sure that they focus on what they’re doing so they don’t hurt themselves.
I want to make sure people know that the Center is a great place for people to find a job. It’s a really great environment, everyone’s really nice, it’s easy to get there from the high school and hours are really flexible.