Clayton at Work: Henry Brown

Senior Henry Brown spent his summer working in the St. Louis Mayor’s office. (photo by Nahuel Feher)

Alex Bernard, Editor-in-Chief

Henry Brown worked as a intern at the St. Louis Office of the Mayor.

Q:  What’s your hourly wage?

A: I’m an unpaid intern. I get paid in recommendation letters.

Q:  Hours per week?

A: I usually get in there around 7:45 or 8:00 and I stay anywhere from 5 to 6:00, five days a week.

Q:  Dress code?

A: I’m in a suit, I always wear a tie and I always wear a jacket around because you never know what’s going to happen on the job.

Q: What’s been the most interesting task you’ve had?

A: For my first assignment, I was given the official DOJ on the Ferguson “incident,” as they called it. Two hundred pages. So I learned about all that and I became the office person for that, along with most police matters.

Q:  What have you learned?

What I’ve learned is that it’s people like [firemen, policemen and paramedics] who make the city go round. We help the cogs turn, we grease them, but it’s the people who actually go out on a daily basis who are the cogs themselves.