Clayton at Work: Jack Snodgrass
Busser at Cantina Laredo
Q: What is your hourly wage?
A: $6.00 per hour and 40% of the server’s tips, and my own tips.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you have made on the job?
A: I dropped four glasses. I was carrying a big tray of glasses and I was just thinking to myself, “Wow, I’m really getting better at balancing these glasses.” Right after that, I turned a corner too sharply and all the glasses fell off. All of my co-workers made fun of me after that.
Q: What is the weirdest thing that has happened on the job?
A: One time a server dropped all of these people’s food on their table. I had to clean it up and it was pretty awkward.
Q: What have you learned?
A: I have learned more social skills. Especially how to hold up a conversation with strangers.
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Katherine Sleckman is a Sophomore. She loves to take pictures and play Lacrosse. Katherine is excited to be on Photojournalism for Globe for the first time this year.