Clayton at Work: Lily Brown
Lifeguard at Shaw Park Pool
Q: What is your hourly wage?
A: Too little. I get paid $8.00 an hour.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you’ve made on the job?
A: Talking instead of watching the pool. You can’t help it when you see your homies.
Q: How do you pass the time?
A: Being a lifeguard is the ultimate challenge of passing time. I sing, twirl my whistle, talk, try not to think about the time, divide how much time I have left into small fractions, wave to the little babies in the pool, and maybe sometimes actually watch the people in the pool.
Q: What have you learned by being a lifeguard?
A: I’ve learned how to be a dependable person. Being a lifeguard requires having parents trust you with their kids swimming which is a big responsibility. At times it can be a stressful but very rewarding job. I’ve learned how to clean a very large bathroom in less than 10 minutes. I’ve also learned how to work with other people and have more patience.
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Camille is a senior at Clayton High School and has spent her time at CHS calling the Globe office her second home. She has a deep passion for journalism and enjoys the challenge...