Winter Pep Rally 2015
April 9, 2015
It almost felt like deja vu when the seniors once again ran into the Stuber gym cheering just as they had done for the fall pep rally in September of last year during spirit week.
However, this time something felt a little different.
On Feb 12, CHS held its second winter pep rally ever. Last school year, CHS held its first winter pep rally in its history. Before last school year, previous attempts to hold a winter pep rally had been unsuccessful.
However, winter sports students felt that it was unfair to not give winter sports similar attention as fall sports and thus the winter pep rally was born.
Last year, the creation of a spring pep rally was also considered for the future, but it still has yet to happen. Just as winter sports deserves as much attention as fall sports, spring sports deserve just as much attention as fall and winter sports.
In fact, spring and fall sports have many of the same sports, with the difference being boys instead of girls or girls instead of boys playing, such as boys soccer in the fall and girls soccer in the spring.
Hopefully, a spring pep rally can be created in the near future and finally allow all sports to create their own skits and performances. The addition of a future spring pep rally can be very interesting because so many of the sports are the same but with different genders.
Boys’ and girls’ teams may take completely different perspectives and create completely different performances even though the sport that the two teams base their skit around is the same sport.
For example, the girls’ lacrosse team may take their skit in one direction in the fall pep rally and the boys’ lacrosse team can team their skit in a completely different direction even though both teams base their skits around lacrosse.
But even before CHS makes its decision about hosting a spring pep rally, or even next school year’s winter pep rally, this year’s winter pep rally’s issue must be mentioned.
Overall, the winter pep rally’s performances were great. In fact, some of the creative skits that the winter sports created were even better than the ones made by fall sports.
Unfortunately, the winter pep rally nevertheless felt less energetic than the fall pep rally. A lot more people seemed to simply have decided to skip the winter pep rally and the Stuber gym was noticeably emptier compared to the fall pep rally.
Perhaps students do not have enough incentive to be more energetic during the winter pep rally. In the fall, students have a huge incentive to yell and cheer at the top of their lungs because it is held during spirit week.
In the fall pep rally, every grade level wants to be more energetic than the other grade levels in order to earn more points for spirit week and homecoming.
The band was also not present to perform during the winter pep rally, so less noise was made overall as well.
But no matter the reason, if the winter pep rally can gain as much energy as the fall pep rally, then next year’s winter pep rally, and perhaps a future spring pep rally will only add more energy and excitement to the bond between students of the CHS community.