A Tough Call to Make
The fire has started.
November 25, 2014
Violence is not the answer.
At times like these, when some people believe that it is, there is little we can do as a community to inhibit the onslaught of vandalism, destruction and brutality that rages from within many people’s hearts. As the leaders of the movement for Michael Brown preach peace, the cause ultimately is placed to shame as the bad draws a wall over the world’s eyes.
The grand jury announcement to me, was not a surprise. However, the reactions to it were. Prior to the breaking news, everyone to Michael Brown’s father to President Obama were emphasizing peace. In a single night, over 80 people were arrested, numerous hospitalized and more than just a few cars and businesses were utterly destroyed.
Unfortunately for America, the tragic incident will be remembered as an echo of what happened in Los Angeles in 1992, regardless of where the blame lies. The discussion on race, on the other hand, has been reinvigorated and should continue for months to come.
In all honesty, I would love to have a discussion about the race issue and Ferguson, but it really isn’t possible here at Clayton High School. To Clayton students, there is no other side: Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood by a white police officer. If you think otherwise, then to quote a Facebook post, “It is a crime against human kind to support the bigoted police force for your selfish and racist reasons.”
What someone supposed to say to these kinds of statements? With literally hundreds of thousands of posts that shadow this similar message, what is the other side allowed to think?
The same people that are preaching the first amendment aren’t allowing others to do the very thing they want to: talk. The same people that tell others to stand up for what you believe in believe that only their side of the story is right. And that’s what’s shutting people up.

Assumptions are made, facts aren’t read and most of all, minds won’t open. But I am hopeful. Such an emotional, passionate outbreak is sure to bring change. While it is accompanied by destructive acts, the voices of the people affected by Michael Brown, regardless of what happened August 9, 2014 will bring something new to the drawing board.
While I sit here, removed from the horrendous aftermath that follows Darren Wilson’s freedom, I can only hope that all this chaos will result in something new, a change. Something that hopefully, will take us in the right direction.