“Out of the Box” Stop-Motion Animated Movie Thrills Audiences Nationwide
November 1, 2014
“The Boxtrolls”, a new, stop-animated children’s movie, describes the life of Eggs’ (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) the Boxtroll Boy’s struggle to fight a villain who had kidnapped his many boxtroll friends. These “Boxtrolls” are fantastical creatures that sleep underground by day, and crawl out to the real world at night.
The film boasts a number of famous actors as voices, including Ben Kingsley as the overarching villain, Archibald Snatcher, Elle Fanning as Winnie, a young girl who takes Eggs under her wing in the real world and turns Eggs into a proper gentleman and Toni Collette as Lady Portley-Rind, Winnie’s aloof mother.
“The Boxtrolls” has an astoundingly clear resonance of sound when played in a theater: I could hear the clanking of the quirky Boxtrolls body behind Kingsley’s renowned British accent.
The soundtrack of the film includes original compositions and themes that sound just as clear throughout the movie. The stop-animation techniques used for the production of the movie are effective and lively–the animation brings forth a spooky and colorful feel to the movie. The images are high resolution and animate in every sense of the word.
The film presents a creative twist on many predictable children’s movies cheesy one-liners and inevitable crude jokes are avoided, and a more subtle yet child appropriate sense of humor is presented.
“The Boxtrolls” is a family-friendly movie event that audiences of all ages are sure to enjoy. The movie’s inventive use of stop-animation, edgy soundtrack and outstanding voice-actor performances is what sets it apart from other children’s movies.