One Year Road Trip
November 5, 2014
Imagine two adults and three children crammed into a car traveling to different states for a year. This incredible amount of family time in a small space, may be a challenge for most people, but not the Webb clan.
Youth around the nation are making a difference in the world. The Webb family is creating a documentary called “One Year Road Trip: Driving A Generation of Generosity” to tell the stories of youth change-makers nationwide.
The Webb’s are orginally from Los Angeles, CA. The family includes the parents Matt and Eva who are filming the documentary and their children Jack, Solveig and Evie who help them. They hope to create a sustainable movement by inspiring other young people. The Webb family plans to travel to every state to interview young people serving their community.
“We’re traveling the US meeting kids who are changing the world and making it better, and filming those kids to inspire others to be change-makers, too,” Matt Webb said. “We want our kids to know that they can change the world.”
As the Webb family drove through the Midwest, they recently stopped by CHS to visit the VolunTEENnation club. There are many young change makers throughout the nation and the Webb family’s goal is to meet them.
They are interviewing The Happy Org, Archimedes Alliance, Katie’s Krops, Kids Helping Kids Fix Broken Hearts, LemonAID: Warriors, Makenzie’s Coat Closet, and many other youth led organizations
The Webb kids play a large role in interviewing youth for the documentary. Matt described how the trip serves as an incredible opportunity for his children to learn from others and gain new experiences. As they travel, the Webb kids receive hands-on educational experiences at museums and national parks.
Matt explained that he hopes to cut a documentary about his family meeting change makers and how they benefits from the experience.
“We’re hoping that through this project the world’s eyes will be opened to the power of kids to make the world better,” Eva said. “Hopefully other kids will be inspired to join in on the mission.”