Why do you choose to place less emphasis on the use of technology in your teaching methods than do most other teachers?
I don’t feel the need to do something that’s just different if what I feel I’m doing right now is working … I do get a little tired of the overwhelming push towards technology … There’s not a lot of serious discussion around its use in general but also its use in education. There’s a passive acceptance of it without questioning whether it really is worth the money; whether it’s an improvement; whether it’s really going to improve student learning.
How has the lack of technology in your classroom seemed to positively and/or negatively influence your students’ experiences?
Positively, I think it does give them a little variety: it’s something a little different, and it’s almost so antique now, it’s almost museum-like so maybe it’s even, as I tell them, like walking back to their parents’ classroom, it’s like walking into the education museum, so maybe they get a kick out of that … Negative, I think the thing I need definitely to get better on, and I’ve tried to incorporate it this year, would be the use of Powerpoint for art … And my eight and eleven-year-old have been instrumental in moving me forward in the world of Powerpoint art slides. And Bill has done a marvelous job at creating some of the work that I use in class. Kudos to Bill. Students need to thank Bill.
Comment on how technology has adapted since you first became a teacher.
Well it has become much more a part of most teachers’ everyday work, and I’m sure for many it’s a good thing … I think the screen is very seductive in terms of its ability to get compliance with students. They are very screen-based. I’m not so sure that always a vibrant or intellectual environment is being created by it: it’s hard to know what’s going on with those. But I think there has been a drift in that direction. It could be good, it could be bad, and my motto about this is that ‘there are many roads to the Budda.’ Just don’t make me go on one road, because there could be a lot of different ways … I’ve been around long enough to know that if what I’m doing is not working, I will clearly make adjustments and move towards a more technological classroom. I’m not a stubborn, ‘I’m going to do it my way regardless’ person.
What would your senior quote be if you had the option to choose one today?
‘Samuel Harned – breaker of horses.’
If you could change one thing about the way today’s world operates, what would it be and why?
I would like to go into schools that are not very good and figure out a way for students that are in those schools, who are very capable, to be given an opportunity to use their capabilities and actually succeed in things … I think they would flourish … If you solve that then a bunch of other beneficial things could happen if you’re deepening your talent base by drawing those people that are capable to do more.
What is the one thing, if there is any one thing in particular, you would want your students to take away from your class?
It can be exciting and acceptable to be intellectual, to love history and to use your mind.
Describe someone who has had a significant impact on your life.
I’d say my wife for putting up with me.

How would you summarize your philosophy on life and work?
I’d say, the number one thing: you’re going to have to work very, very hard. That’s just the way it is … And as I tell students … for everything that you’re going to have to really devote your energy to and that you really want to be good at, you will have to prepare massively…To somehow think that you could shortcut that would be a complete lie. I think the other thing is that you’re going to have to learn to be resilient … there are going to be very tough things to get through, no matter who you are or how much money you have … You have to be willing to get a lot of tough stuff, to keep coming back and to be hard to knock out …Massive preparation, incredible hard work and resiliency are things that would be really important … but hard qualities to get, by the way. Not easy. All things stated here are easier said in an interview than done in real life.
What is most important to you? What do you think should be most important to the majority of people?
Number one would be family. Always. How your family’s doing, supporting each other, trying to help each other. Especially through tough times; sticking together. The second would be that you take joy in your work. Work makes you happy; work makes you fulfilled. The third would be that you have to have interests. Things that you find interesting, things that you want to study, things that make your mind come alive and things that keep your mind very much alive throughout your life.