CHS’s chapter of the national music honors society Tri-M (chapter 1897) held its induction ceremony for new members in the CHS auditorium this Thursday Nov. 14. Â Members were chosen based on their commitment to fostering music in their school and community, and they received pins and buttons presented by Tri-M officers Abby Kohmetscher, Shiori Tomatsu, Bruce Grossman, Ben Diamond, Adam Garrett, and Peter Schmidt.
Tri-M Music Honors Society Induction Ceremony
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Gwyneth Henke, Editor-in-Chief
Gwyneth Henke joined the Globe during her sophomore year. She was the co-Feature and Review section editor during her junior year, and is the current co-editor in chief in her senior year. She loves the Globe community and appreciates the hard work everyone puts into the magazine, and she is proud of every issue. She was born and raised in St. Louis and has a twin sister (the News section editor!) and an older brother. Outside of the Globe, she plays field hockey and the cello and enjoys creative writing.