The 2012 Democratic National Convention went very well for the party. While many of the Republican National Convention’s speakers were critisized, including Clint Eastwood, Paul Ryan, and Chris Christie, the Democratic Convention was marked by strong speeches from Michelle Obama, Julian Castro, Bill Clinton and, the incoming president, Barack Obama.

Bill Clinton was his classic self, mixing humor with policies for a whopping 48 minutes. Clinton also went off script for much of his speech, sometimes even full paragraphs.The keynote speaker was Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio, America’s seventh biggest city. Of all the convention keynote speakers in history, only two have ever became president. One was Warren G. Harding, the other was Barack Obama.
Many people looked at Michelle Obama’s speech as one of the best convention speeches in history. The first lady talked about her husband as a person, and where he has come from in life.
President Obama accepted the democratic nomination to run for president this fall. Obama’s speech focused on the strong points of his term.
Overall, the convention went very smoothly. Though one day shorter than usual, strong speakers proppeled it along nicely. The Republican National Convention is being overlooked, and people are simply focusing on Clint Eastwoods speech, where he talked to an empty chair he pretended was President Obama. This will not be the case for the democrats, where people will remember the content of speeches from a diverse group of politicians.